2012 m. spalio 14 d., sekmadienis


Days goes by, dreams become true....but I still miss you more than anyone else
I don't think you know how hard it is. As a matter of fact, I don't think anyone knows how hard it is. To love someone who lives so far away. To miss them so bad you want to stop what you're doing and run to them, or swim to them, or if you're lucky enough to afford it to fly to them. Some of us aren't. Most of us aren't. It's like everything reminds them of you. Everything. No matter how long its been, how far away, you're still reminded of them by a song, or a smell, or an inside joke. It hurts and aches and it feels like cold seeps into your bones whenever you're alone at night and can't sleep and you just want them there because you'd settle with texting them but transatlantic texting is damned expensive. It's worse when there are time zones. Lets not forget about the worst thing of all, the not knowing. Not knowing if they're with another person while you're waiting. Waiting for them. Not knowing if the feelings are ebbing away. However for me there's something even worse than that. Knowing that I love him so much, and miss him so much, and things I never thought I'd pay much attention to, things like windy afternoon, or clouds in the shape of popcorn , or old movies, or a song, many of them, or the color of leaves on a tree because that's what his eyes look like. Knowing I can't have him with me. That's the hardest part. 

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